- Simpson’s Paradox & Simpson’s 2nd Paradox (PowerPoint)
- Interesting examples of Capture-Recapture Sampling Method from biology, public health & epidemiology (Best contributed paper JSM – PowerPoint
- The Will Rogers Phenomemon: What is it and how did it get its name (PowerPoint)
- Use of interesting examples from medicine and biology in teaching an introductory biostatistics course (PowerPoint)
- 3 Interesting Controversies & 2 Paradoxes (Best contributed paper JSM – PowerPoint)
- The birthday problem and some twists (PowerPoint)
- The Use of the Birthday Problem in Teaching Probability (pdf)
- What went wrong with the draft Lottery? (PowerPoint link)
- A critical assessmentof the techniques used to determine agreement between two methods of clinical measurement (pdf )
- Importance of a random sample: An in-class demonstration (PowerPoint)
- Student handout for an In-Class Demonstration (Word)